ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Published since 2002
Frequency: 4 issues per year
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Contents: Issue 1, 2020Изображение обложки


Kusraeva O. A., Rebiazina V. A., Starov S. A. Company’s brand orientation: Developing and testing the measuring scale on the example of Russian customer market. Summary >>

Human Resource Management

Latukha M. O., Khasieva D. D., Veselova A. S., Shagalkina M. V., Selivanovskikh L. V. Gender-oriented talent management practices in Russian companies. Summary >>

Studies of Contemporary Markets

Yusupova A. T., Khalimova S. R. High tech business in Russian regions: Role in economy, differentiation, main development determinants. Summary >>

Corporate Governance

Nazarova V. V., Emelyanova E. O. Dividend policy of Russian companies with state participation: Influence of the board of directors. Summary >>

Fedorova E. A., Machina A. I., Afanasyev D. O. The impact of textual characteristics of management letters on stock prices of Russian companies. Summary >>

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