ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Published since 2002
Frequency: 4 issues per year
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Contents: Issue 3, 2019Изображение обложки

Research Methods in Management

Berezinets I. V., Zenkevich N. A., Nikolchenko N. K., Rucheva A. S. Supply chain coordination with sales-rebate contract. Summary >>

Studies of Contemporary Markets

Aleksandrova E. A., Ivanova V. I., Kuznetsova M. Yu. The clusters and the cluster initiatives of the Russian biopharmaceutical industry: Identification, structure, and geography. Summary >>

Kolchinskaya E. E., Limonov L. E., Yakovleva P. E. The expediency of cluster policy in pharmaceutical industry of Russia: An exploratory study. Summary >>

Human Resource Management

Minina V. N. HR bots in human resource management of an organization. Summary >>


Leparoux M., Minier P., Anand A. The online influencers strategies and their impact on consumers decision process. Summary >>

Public Administration

Makarov S. A., Abzalilova L. R. Institutional and organizational conditions of innovation development in the Russian region: The experience of the Republic of Tatarstan. Summary >>

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