ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 2, 2023

Aray Yu. N., Christodoulou I., Borodin D. A., Klimova E. V., Troshneva S. G., Paikin N. M. Collaboration between social entrepreneurs and large companies: Mutual value creation through different forms of partnerships.

The purpose of this paper is to deeply explore partnerships between large companies and social entrepreneurs. The objectives are as follows: to identify different types of partnerships between social entrepreneurs and large companies, determine mutual benefits of partnership, explore the challenges which large companies and social entrepreneurs face in the partnership. Important results of the paper shed light on this under-investigated relationship between social entrepreneurs and large companies. First, the study offers a new categorization of partnerships between social entrepreneurs and large companies. A new model — the Partnership Matrix accordingly was developed. This model is based on mutual benefits for both parties: Business, Innovation, Reputation — Impact, Survival, Scale. Second, benefits and obstacles to the development of collaboration between social entrepreneurs and large companies were identified. An extensive set of semi-structured interviews allowed to hold in-depth analysis of qualitative data. The research contributes to the literature on social entrepreneurship, business and society. The results of the research have practical implications; they can help social entrepreneurs and large companies to develop partnerships using more conscious, thoughtful and suitable approaches to mutual value creation. Keywords: cross-sector partnership, social entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, social partnership, hybrid organization.

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