ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 1, 2023

Tatevosian S. A. HR digitization: The main directions of development and influencing factors.

Digital technologies play an increasingly big role in all areas of life and are changing the processes and structures of organizations from different spheres fundamentally. Human resource management is currently one of the key organizational processes going through an active stage of development through digitization. With the consideration of the growing percentage of digital HR practices, the competencies of HR professionals, line managers, and employees are also undergoing changes. This study systematizes the results of research on HR digitization over the past two decades. Based on the literature review, the article discusses the main directions of HR digitization, factors influencing the implementation and usage of HR technologies, and the avenues for future research on this topic. Three main directions of HR digitization are outlined: the digitization of a person, digitization of work, and digitization of HR processes. The factors influencing the implementation and usage of HR technologies are divided into three blocks, namely, organizational, technical, and human. The areas of further research include the context in which digitization takes place, its processes, social and technical aspects, as well as the implications. The article can be of interest to researchers of this topic and organizations which undergo or plan digital transformation. Keywords: HR digitization, HR technologies, HR analytics, digital technologies, digitization, HRM, digital HR systems, digital HR practices.

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