ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 2, 2022

Altynov A. I., Turovets Y. V. Regulatory technologies in traditional industries as an element of the digital transformation: Perspectives for development.

The article considers regulatory technologies as one of the key topics in finance digitalization due to the consistent growth of fraud, compliance rules, and procedures. It also gains attention in other traditional industries to answer similar scope of challenges. Regulatory technologies have become a common element of digitalization which allows for effective management of a growing administrative burden and reduces associated risks. At the same time, regulatory technologies adoption can be considered as an indirect indicator of the digitalization effects, including the growth of regulatory burden. This paper identifies the main objectives of regulatory technologies adoption relevant to traditional industries (telecommunication, trade, manufacturing, transport, construction, energy and utilities, healthcare, public administration). Based on the results, the study offers the prospects for regulatory technologies development in these industries according to the proposed composite index. It comprises nine indicators in four groups measuring financial losses from fraud and data leakages, administrative compliance workload, the digital maturity of sectors. The results indicate that the highest potential for regulatory technologies adoption, apart from service (finance, telecommunication, trade), is significant for manufacturing and healthcare due to a high frequency of fraud, data breaches, high compliance costs, and new regulatory requirements associated with the increasing pace of digitalization. Keywords: regulatory technologies, financial services, digital transformation, traditional sectors, composite index.

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