ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 4, 2018

Kusraeva O. A. Brand orientation: The construct and position in marketing theory.

The paper aims to clarify the construct of brand orientation and to justify the independent position of the brand orientation concept in marketing. Despite being the subject for research for more than 20 years, relatively little research has been conducted to understand the complex nature of brand orientation and there is still much debate concerning the main characteristics that describe brand orientation and distinguish between brand and marketing orientation. At the same time, the meaning of the brand orientation construct is blurred and each of the existing definitions appeals to the circumstances in which the construct is analyzed. But so far, no definition has been suggested that would reflect the multidimensionality of brand orientation. The results of literature review show that changing market conditions, the development of the relational paradigm and the expansion of the branding functionality could be accepted as the preconditions of the brand orientation appearance. Three parts that the brand orientation construct consisted of strategy, tactics and instrument of measurement are among the key findings of this study. The findings also suggest that brand orientation and market orientation are two different strategic approaches with brand orientation having its own place in the theory of marketing, because it rests on the superior value of the brand and relies on brand values and brand positioning in the process of developing company`s business strategy. Keywords: market orientation, brand orientation, strategic orientation, branding.

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