ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 1, 2017

Domnin V. N., Starov S. A. Evolution of Key Concepts of Brand Management.

Authors using system approach have revealed and analysed the main stages of the evolution of the key concepts of brand management in the conditions of company environment transformation. Key control models of brand management in modern conditions of business dealing, principles of effective realisation of a brand management by brand-oriented companies are analysed. In a context of the considered concepts of brand management the basic objects of management by brands, criteria of branding effectiveness, strategic orientation of brand management are studied. The study provides opportunities of effective brand management in modern conditions. The paper value includes: systematization of process a brand management; understanding of the reasons and conditions of key evolution concepts of a brand management; understanding of essence and specificity of brand management present stage. Keywords: brand, branding, brand management, principles of brand management, brand identity, brand equity, customer-based brand equity, customer-based brand equity assets, brand valuation.

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