ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 2, 2014

Berezinets I. V., Ilina Yu. B., Fakhritdinova D. N. Corporate Conflicts and Financial Performance.

Researchers, rating agencies, mass media demonstrate growing interest to corporate conflicts. Professional editions publish articles on conflicts taking place in different companies, while TV channels such as RBC, Expert-TV etc. show programs with participation of state officials and experts, where corporate governance and conflicts issues are discussed. Increasing number of corporate conflicts that have occurred in recent years in largest Russian companies such as GMK Norilsky Nickel, TNK-BP Holding, Silvinit, Bank Moskvy etc., force researchers and practitioners to increasingly look for answers to the following questions: what happens with the company in the period of conflicts between various groups of stakeholders? How these conflicts are reflected in company’s performance and reputation? This study was devoted to finding answers to those questions. The goal of the research was to identify the relationship between corporate conflicts and financial performance of companies, where those conflicts have occurred. Keywords: agency problem, principal-agent problem, principal-principal problem, corporate conflict, corporate conflict index.

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